<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com">Fairytips</a> is a simple line to create a link. When you will type this line in your webpage then you will get a link like Fairytips. Here I have used <a></a> tag and href="value" attribute to create a link. You may also use the attribute target="value" and value=_blank/_parent/_self/_top. When you will use the attribute target="value" with the value _blank that means if you use <a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Fairytips</a> then you will get a link like Fairytips. Thus you will get...
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_blank" then the linked document or page will open in a new tab or new window.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_parent">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_parent" then the linked document or page will open in the parent frame/page.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_self">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_self" then the linked document or page will open in the same frame.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_top">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_top" then the linked document or page will open in the full body of the window.
And if you use the attribute target="framename" then the linked page or document will show in a named frame.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_blank" then the linked document or page will open in a new tab or new window.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_parent">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_parent" then the linked document or page will open in the parent frame/page.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_self">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_self" then the linked document or page will open in the same frame.
<a href="http://www.fairytips.blogspot.com" target="_top">Fairytips</a> Fairytips
If you use the above codes and if you use the attribute target="_top" then the linked document or page will open in the full body of the window.
And if you use the attribute target="framename" then the linked page or document will show in a named frame.