Friday, August 24, 2012

Google, AdSense Publishers and the Blogger Blog Users

Google Should Sell Domain against AdSense Earnings

I am blogging for the last few years in Blogger Platform. So my blog's address is Like all others I also want to remove .blogspot from the URL. There is a lots of ISP Company in my City but I want to buy the Domain from Google directly. I am a Publisher of Google AdSense also. So I am earning from Google AdSense. But there is no any option to buy a domain using my AdSense Earnings. They accept only Visa Cards, Master Cards etc. to sell their domain. But it is Hard to manage those in my locality. So I am upset about my domain. If there would have a way to buy Domain from Google using AdSense Earnings then it would be so helpful for all the Bloggers.

Why Should I Wait till 100$?

Today Google is very renowned to all of us for their services. Google AdSense is one of their Amazing Services. Today there are a lots of micro bloggers who are sharing their thoughts and ideas among the world and they are blogging only for Google AdSense. I am personally blogging for AdSense. If there wouldn't AdSense then I wouldn't make my Blogs. But the micro bloggers is unable to earn 100$ in a short time for the first time. Sometimes they have to wait for few months or few years. Thus they loss their interest in blogging. So if Google would pay all the earnings directly to a Bank Account for the publisher then the publisher would be helped a lot. Why Google is not serving a Master Card what will be effective in all Countries in all ATM Machines. Then we will be able to spend our earnings properly. I have to pay about 30$ to cash my AdSense Check. You all know that 30$ is how much for an AdSense Publisher. 

Why Google is not Paying through Mobile Bank Account?

Mobile Bank is very popular to all of the world. Today Mobile Bank is available in Bangladesh also like other countries. If Google would pay through our Mobile Bank Account then we would be helped a lot. In Bangladesh we have to pay 20$ to 30$ to cash the Google AdSense Check. So it is really so vexatious to the Bangladeshi AdSense Earners. In Bangladesh DBBL (Dutch Bangla Bank Limited) is providing Mobile Bank Service for the Last few Years. If Google would contact with the Bank! However, I want to receive my earnings directly to my Master Card or any Other Bank Account. Then I will just spend my earnings. I feel bore to go to the bank every month to cash the check. I think Google should take steps for us. And most importantly 30$ is not a little amount we are paying every month to cash the AdSense Check.

Why My AdSense Account will be Banned for Invalid Clicks?

If AdSense Authority can separate the invalid clicks from the valid clicks then why my AdSense Account will be Banned for Invalid Clicks? I am not asking them to pay for the invalid clicks! I think they should pay for the valid clicks as they can omit the invalid clicks easily! I think all the publishers are aware about invalid clicks. So there in nobody who will make invalid clicks wasting time instead of improving his/her blog or website! I personally never ask anyone to click on the AdSense Ads showing on my Blogs. Even I avoid providing my blogs addresses  to my friends thinking if they make invalid clicks!!! They may click to enrich my AdSense Earnings but it may be so harmful for me.