Saturday, October 11, 2014

C program to check a year whether it is leap year or not

The C program given below is a program that will ask you a year showing a message Enter a year: . When you will input a year using the keyboard, then the program will check whether it is a leap year or not. Most of the description of the codes are given after the statement in different color. Ignore the description when you will type the program in a compiler like Turbo C, CodeBlocks etc.
c program,leap year program


int year; /*Declaring an integer type variable called year*/

printf("Enter a year: "); /*Showing a message*/
scanf("%d",&year); /*Getting value from keyboard*/

if(year%4==0) /*Checking if the data is divisible by 4*/
printf("The year is leap year"); /*If the year is divisible by 4, then showing a message*/

if(year%100==0) /*Again checking, if the data is divisible by 100*/
if(year%400==0) /*Again checking, if the data is divisible by 400*/
     printf("the year is leap year"); /*If the year is divisible by 100 and 400, then showing a message*/

printf("the year is not leap year"); /*If all the conditions are wrong, then showing a message*/

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