Sunday, May 25, 2014

Create an Excel Sheet to Find Out the GPA of a Student of SSC Level

Look at the image given below. It's an Excel Sheet to find out the GPA of a student. I have made this Excel Sheet depending on the marks of a student of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) in Bangladesh. The most important part of this sheet is the formula to find out the Grade Point depending on obtained marks. You the most of the Computer Users may be able to make an Excel Sheet like this. I am providing the guideline step by step so that you all may be able to understand properly.
Excel Tutorials,Find Out GPA,GPA System in Excel
 Step 01  Open a New Excel Sheet
At first you have to open an Excel Sheet and then type the Subject's Names as like as the image given below. You may also type all of the First Column and the First Row.

 Step 02  Provide the Marks in the Second Column
Provide the marks in the Second Column where is written Marks. Provide various types of number as marks to understand the result.

 Step 03  Type the Formula into the C2 Cell
Now click on the third column and second row that means on the C2 cell. Then type the formula =IF(B2>=80,"A+",IF(B2>=70,"A",IF(B2>=60,"A-",IF(B2>=50,"B",IF(B2>=40,"C",IF(B2>=33,"D",IF(B2<33,"F"))))))) into the Formula Bar and press Enter from the Keyboard.

 Step 04  Drag up to C12 Cell
After pressing Enter there will be a border into the C2 cell. Look there is a point at the lowermost right corner. Now keep your mouse pointer on the point, then keep pressed the left button of the mouse and finally drag outside of the C2 cell. Drag up to C12 cell.

 Step 05  Provide the Formula for Grade Point
Again click on D2 cell and provide the formula =IF(B2>=80,"5.00",IF(B2>=70,"4.00",IF(B2>=60,"3.50",IF(B2>=50,"3.00",IF(B2>=40,"2.00",IF(B2>=33,"1.00",IF(B2<33,"0"))))) into the cell and then press Enter. And also drag up to D12 cell like before.

 Step 06  Complete the E Column
Now select E2 and E3 cells and merge them. Again select E4 and E5 and merge them again. Click on the first merged cell named E2 and type =(D2+D3)/2. Then press Enter. Thus type =(D4+D5)/2 into the cell E4. Again type =D6 into the cell E6. Now keep your mouse pointer on the point, then keep pressed the left button of the mouse and finally drag outside of the E6 cell and drag up to E12 cell.

 Step 07  Complete the Thirteenth Row
Now click on B13 cell and type =B2+B3+B4+B5+B6+B7+B8+B9+B10+B11+B12 into the Formula Bar and press Enter.  Again click on D13 and type =D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+D8+D9+D10+D11+D12 and finally click on E13 cell and type =E2+E4+E6+E7+E8+E9+E10+E11+E12.

 Step 08  Find out the GPA
Now click on F2 cell and Look there is a point at the lowermost right corner. Now keep your mouse pointer on the point, then keep pressed the left button of the mouse and finally drag outside of the F2 cell. Drag up to F12 cell. Type =E13/8 into the formula bar.

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