Saturday, May 24, 2014

Creating Links in HTML and Format that in Different Way

Creating a Normal Link
To create a link we have to use the <a> and </a> tags with different attributes. href=" " is the basic and must use attribute to create a link. Lets see an example- <a href="">iDhali</a> is a link, we normally use. When we will use these codes then a link will appear as like as given below...

html links,nofollow links,dofollow links
Creating a Link with a Specific Color
Now we will change the color of the link using some extra codes. Lets see the codes- <a href="" style="color: red;">iDhali</a>. Look, I have used a specific color to define the extra codes I have used to change the color of a link. style="color: red;" are the codes to change the color. I have used red to get the red color. You may use blue/black/white or any other codes you like.

Creating a Link with Welcome Message/Title
In this step we will create a link with Welcome Message or Title. That means when we will hover the mouse on the link then a message will appear that we will set before. Examine the example given below. Keep your mouse on the link showing below, then a message will appear. <a href="" style="color: green;" title="A Website to Make You Professional">iDhali</a> are the codes I have used to create the link given below. Actually the colored codes I have added to show the message.

Creating a Nofollow Link
To create a nofollow link you have to use the codes are given below. Look, I have used the attribute rel=" " inside of the opening <a> tag and the value nofollow to make the link nofollow. We always need to use the attribute inside of the opening <a> tag.

<a href="" rel="nofollow">iDhali</a>

Creating a Dofollow Link
Creating dofollow link is almost similar to the way of creating nofollow link. To create a nofollow link you have to use the following codes given below. Look, I have used the attribute rel=" " inside of the opening <a> tag and the value dofollow to make the link dofollow. Lets, try it yourself and make a link nofollow or dofollow.

<a href="" rel="nofollow">iDhali</a>