Sunday, August 31, 2014

Change firefox browser's default homepage to your expected page

By default the homepage in Mozilla Firefox in mozilla's start page. But we may change it to our expected page. Lets see how to change the homepage in Mozilla Firefox.
firefox,browser,homepage,internet tips and tricks

 Step 01  First of all click on the Settings Icon
Click on the Settings Icon of the Mozilla Firefox browser as shown in the image below. The icon is located at the rightmost upper corner of the browser.

 Step 02  Click on Options from the drop-down menu
After clicking on the settings icon a drop-down menu will open as like as the image below. Now click on the Options icon as shown in the image below.
homepage,firefox,browser,mozilla,internet tips and tricks

 Step 03  Provide the homepage and save the settings
After clicking on Options a pop-up window will open as like as the image below. Now go to the General Tab if you are not there and add the home page as I have added in the image. Finally click on the OK Button to save your settings.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Adding snowfall to a website using JavaScript codes

JavaScript is used to add different types of text effects and many more. In this article you will learn to add continuous snowfall on a webpage. Lets add a snowfall effect following the steps given below. You may also add any other letter instead of snow. Suppose you want to add F, then the letter F will fall randomly on the website in different sizes and in different colors.
javascript,snowfall,website designing

 Step 01  Create a simple webpage first
You have to create a simple webpage first to test the snowfall. But if you already have a website then you can apply the snowfall there. To create a webpage, press Windows Key + R buttons together. Then the RUN Command Box will open. Now type notepad into the RUN Command Box and press the Enter Key. A new notepad document will open, now type the codes into the notepad document.
<body bgcolor="#1E5B82">
   Your content here

 Step 02  Paste the codes before the </head> tag
Now you have to add the following JavaScript codes to your webpage. So copy the codes from the box below and paste them before the closing head tag </head>.
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
var snowmax=35
var snowcolor=new Array("#aaaacc","#ddddff","#ccccdd","#f3f3f3","#f0ffff")
var snowtype=new Array("Times","Arial","Times","Verdana")
var snowletter="*"
var sinkspeed=0.6
var snowmaxsize=30
var snowminsize=8
var snowingzone=1
var snow=new Array()
var marginbottom
var marginright
var timer
var i_snow=0
var x_mv=new Array();
var crds=new Array();
var lftrght=new Array();
var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent
var ie5=document.all&&document.getElementById&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var browserok=ie5||ns6||opera
function randommaker(range) {
    return rand
function initsnow() {
        if (ie5 || opera) {
                marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight
                marginright = document.body.clientWidth-15
        else if (ns6) {
                marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight
                marginright = window.innerWidth-15
        var snowsizerange=snowmaxsize-snowminsize
        for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
                crds[i] = 0;
            lftrght[i] = Math.random()*15;
            x_mv[i] = 0.03 + Math.random()/10;
                if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)}
                if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)}
                if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4}
                if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2}
function movesnow() {
        for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
                crds[i] += x_mv[i];

                if (snow[i].posy>=marginbottom-2*snow[i].size || parseInt(snow[i].style.left)>(marginright-3*lftrght[i])){
                        if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)}
                        if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)}
                        if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4}
                        if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2}
        var timer=setTimeout("movesnow()",50)
for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
        document.write("<span id='s"+i+"' style='position:absolute;top:-"+snowmaxsize+"'>"+snowletter+"</span>")
if (browserok) {

 Step 03  Save the document as an html file
Now save the document as an html file. To do so, click on File from the menu and go to Save As... Then a pop-up window will open. Now provide a name with .htm or .html extension into the text input box. For example: idhali.htm or idhali.html Finally click on the Save button to save the document as a webpage.

Make some changes if you want

Look at the codes above in the box. There are some text in red color. You may change them to make some changes in the snowfall.

First of all you may change the in the second line var snowmax=35. 35 is here the number of snowflakes and you may change the number from 30 to 40. 30-40 is the recommended number of the snowflakes.

You may also change the color of the snowflakes changing the color of the following line. This is the third line of the above codes.
var snowcolor=new Array("#aaaacc","#ddddff","#ccccdd","#f3f3f3","#f0ffff")

Change the fonts replacing the fonts name of fourth line of the above codes. You may also add more fonts if you want.
var snowtype=new Array("Times","Arial","Times","Verdana")

Friday, August 29, 2014

Create an animated fancy marquee using HTML codes only

-> > >< < <-
During developing a website we use different types of languages and/or tricks to create different types of animations. You have already noticed the above text. I have created this animation using only some HTML tags. Actually I have used the <marquee> tad with some special attributes to create the above animation. The codes I have used is given below into the box.
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left" scrollamount="3" width="15%">

<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="1" width="4%">
> > >


<marquee direction="right" scrollamount="1" width="4%">
< < <

<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right" scrollamount="3" width="15%">

Description for the above codes

Mainly I have used two sets of <marque> tag to make this possible. First of all I have run the - sign using a <marquee> with some special attribute. Look at the codes given below, I have used the <marquee> with the attributes behavior="alternate" direction="left" scrollamount="3" width="15%". These codes I have used to run the - sign of the left side. The same sign I have run at the right side using the same tags and attributes but I have changed the value for the attribute direction="". I have used right as the value to run the - sign from left to right.

<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left" scrollamount="3" width="15%">
marquee,animated html,html animation

I have used another set of codes to run the > and < signs. The codes I have used to run the > sign from right to left is given below. The same codes I have used to run the < sign from left to right changing the attribute direction="right".

<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="1" width="4%">
< < <

- > > > Thanks for visiting iDhali < < < -

Creating a simple webpage using notepad only

From this post you will learn to create a webpage using the simple text editor notepad only. You may also use notepad++, sublimeText etc. instead of notepad. There are several ways of creating webpages using several languages. But you must know the basic HTML and CSS to create webpages and to style them.

In advance level you have to learn PHP, JavaScriptjQuery, mySQL etc. Frameworks like Bootstrap, Laravel are also essential to develop a standard website.

Besides you have to know the CMS Wordpress or something like this to be a professional. Let's start your journey by creating a very simple webpage. Stay tuned with me to learn more about it. Feel free to contact with me for further assist.
 Step 01  Open the text editor notepad
First of all you need to open the text editor notepad. You may also use any other text editor like sublime text, notepad++ etc.

However notepad is available with every windows computer, that's why I have chosen notepad. Go to Start Menu>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad and open the notepad program.

Or simply press Windows Key+R together to open the RUN Command Box, then type notepad into the text input box and press the Enter Key to open a notepad document.
first webpage,webpage designing,html tutorial
 Step 02  Type the codes into the notepad document
Now type the code given below into the notepad document and save them as an html file following the next step.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <h1>This is a Header</h1>
  <p>This is a Paragraph</p>
  <b>This is Bolded Text</b>
  <i>This is Italic Text</i>
  <u>This is Underlined Text</u>
 Step 03   Save the document as an html file
Now save the document as an html file. To do so, click on File of the menu bar, a drop-down menu will open. Then click on Save As... from the menu and save the document with .htm or .html extension. For example: iDhali.htm or iDhali.html.

 Step 04  Open the .html file in a browser
Now locate the html file and double click on it to open. The file will open in the default web browser software installed in your computer. After opening the html document you will get something written like this...

This is a Header

This is a Paragraph
This is Bolded Text
This is Italic Text
This is Underlined Text

Recommended posts...

» Create a webpage without using any HTML tag
» 20+ Questions and Answers about HTML

Next Tutorial »


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lock folders and/or files using WinMend

We all the computer users have some personal data stored in our computers. Most often we keep them hidden normally or using folder hidden software. We use different types of tips and tricks also to hide our files and folders.

WinMend is such a software able to hide & lock files and/or folders. That's why WinMend is not only a folder hidden software but also a folder locker software. You can hide & lock a lots of files and folders at a time using WinMend.

Download the WinMend software from here. Then install it in your computer, installation process is simple like all other software.

Why you will use WinMend?

01. You can hide your expected files and/or folders
02. You can lock your files and folders with password
03. Then nobody will be able to access your data without providing the correct password
04. It is so easy to use and reliable
05. No chance of losing any important data.
07. Full free trial version is available
folder hide, password protect for folder, folder hidden software

Change the chrome browser's default homepage to your expected page

When we open a browser, then by default the preset page open automatically. Later we have to type a new URL into the address bar to visit. Suppose you like to visit my website daily. But you have to run a browser, then you need to type the URL and finally you have to press the Enter Key to visit my site. If you set this website as your homepage, then you will be able to visit this site just after opening the browser. It is so easy and obviously time saving. You may set any of your favorite and/or important page as the homepage to save your time. Lets see how to change the homepage in google chrome browsers.
homepage,google chrome,change browser's homepage

Change Homepage in Chrome

 Step 01  Click on the chrome settings button
Find out the settings button located at the rightmost upper corner of the Chrome Browser and click on it. The settings button is shown below in the image.

 Step 02  Click on Settings from the menu
After clicking on the settings button a menu will open as shown in the image below. Now you have to click on Settings to open the settings page. The settings page will open in a new tab.

 Step 03  Click on the link Change
In the settings page there you will get a link named Change into the Appearance section. Now you have to click on this link.

 Step 04  Provide the URL and save the settings
After clicking on the link Change, a pop-up window will open. Now click on the radio button Open this page and provide the URL of the page you want to save as the homepage. Finally click on the OK button to save the settings.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Make a pen drive bootable and install windows using it

Generally we use the CD/DVD drive to install a operating system. But you may also install an operating system using your pendrive. To do so, you have to burn the prendrive first. To burn a pendrive you need an ISO file of the operating system and a software. You may download the ISO from internet and the software you need is given below.
bootable usb flash drive,bootable pen drive

 Step 01  Make an OS ISO or download the ISO file
To make a pen drive bootable you need the ISO file of the operating system. You may create ISO file using a ISO burner software or simply download the ISO file of that operating system you want to install.

 Step 02  Insert a pendrive and run the software
Now insert a pendrive of 8GB minimum and download the software from here. Double click on the .exe file to run it. You will get a window like the image given below.


 Step 03  Select the ISO file of the operating system you want to burn
Look at the above image, there is showing the pendrive under the writings Device. You will also get information about your inserted pendrive if that is connected properly. Now click on the icon where the mouse pointer is kept and select the ISO file of the operating system you want to burn into the pendrive.

 Step 04  Click on the Start Button after selecting the ISO file
After selecting the ISO file, click on the Start Button. Then you will get a warning like the image below.

operating system,pendrive,bootable pendrive

 Step 05  Click on the OK Button to continue the process
The message is saying all the data of the pendrive will be destroyed to continue the process. Now you have to click on the OK Button or keep away the data if exist in your pendrive. After clicking on the OK button, the process will start and it will take a few minutes to complete.

What to do after failing third time to get the PIN from AdSense

There are some steps we have to pass carefully to be paid by Google AdSense. Receiving PIN number is one of them. Let me tell my experience about receiving PIN number and unholding my Google AdSense Payment. When my AdSense Earnings reached to 10.33$, then I noticed that there is written "Your Payments are on Hold". Then I googled and came to know that I have to request Google to send me a PIN number, later I have to enter the PIN number to unhold the payment. I also came to know that one can request three times only for the PIN number. I requested three times but failed to receive the PIN number.

It takes three or four weeks to reach the PIN Number. So you are able to request a new PIN only after 4 weeks of the previous issued date. So I wasted about three months to get my PIN number and at last failed. Then what I did after failing to receive the PIN Number?

I sent a mail to Google Authority attaching the Digital Image of my National ID Card as shown below. I took the image of the both side of my National ID Card. Then I edited those two image using Photoshop to make them one.

What is adsense, adsense, online earning, earn with adsense, google adsense
The image showing in the left side is that digital image of my National ID Card that I sent to Google AdSense Authority to Unhold my Adsense Payment. You have to also do the same if you fail third time to receive the PIN number. They took a few hours to Unhold my Payment. You may also send an image of your Driving License or any other documents that represent your identity correctly.

You also have to provide some information about the Tax information after unholding the payment. Provide the correct information about the tax of your locality. It will take a few minutes only and most importantly it is on your hand.

I faced so horrible moment when my AdSense Payments were hold. The AdSense Ads were invisible on my webpages. That's why all of my created Ads became idle. My earning was also zero in those months. There was my faults also. I thought that I would unhold my payment later. Because, I wanted to change my city. So I waited for a few weeks to send the second request. However you should unhold your AdSense Payment as soon as possible.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Download YouTube video easily adding ss only with the URL

We upload and watch different types of videos using YouTube. Sometimes we need to download videos from YouTube. But it is a little bit of difficult to download videos from this site. Let's know an easy way to download your necessary videos.
download youtube video,download video
 Step 01  Add ss with URL of the video you want to download
First of all found the video you want to download. Now add two extra ss just after www. of the URL and press the Enter Key simply. One image is given below for better understanding. Let's see I have added ss with the original URL of the video I want to download.

 Step 02  Click on Proceed if you get any security alert
After pressing the Enter Key you may get an security alert message. You have to click on the Proceed Key to go to the next step. Then you will get a page like the image below. There you will found different format of the video after the writings Download links. Click on More to get more format of the video.
YouTube Video Download,Easily Download YouTube Video

 Step 03  Right click on the link to get the menu
Now click on the link MP4 360p to download the video. You may also right click on the link as I have shown in the image below. Then you will get a pop-up menu as like as the image if there is installed Internet Download Manager downloader software in your computer.

 Step 04  Click on Start Download to start downloading
Now click on Download with IDM from the menu and you will get a pop up window as like as the image below. Finally click on the button Start Download to start download.
Thus you may download any video from YouTube easily in your expected resolution.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Create a webpage without using any HTML tag

Watch the video given below to learn to create a webpage without using any HTML tag. You need the notepad text editor only. This is the very first step of website designing. Share this video if you think it is helpful for all others. Subscribe my YouTube Chanel for the next videos.

If you are unable to watch the above video then follow the steps given below
to do the same described above.

 Step 01  Open the Notepad Text Editor
Normally press Windows Key+R together to open the RUN Command Box. Now type notepad into the text input box and press the Enter Key.

 Step 02  Type anything you want to show
Now type anything (for example: Hello World!) into the Notepad you want to show. You needn't to use any code here as said above.
website designing,beginners html,web programming
 Step 03  Save the notepad document with .html or .htm extension
Now you have to save the document clicking on File from the menu. A drop-down menu will open. Then click on Save as...

After clicking on Save as... a pop-up window will open. Now type a name into the File Name text input box with the extension .html or .htm and finally click on the Save button. For example: The file name may be hello.html or hello.htm.

 Step 04  Check your newly created webpage now
Locate the html file you have created just before a while and double click on that. Look, the file is with the icon of a browser you are currently using. After double clicking on the webpage, it will open in your default web browser and you will get the message you kept.

 Step 05  Change the Color and the Size of the Text
Now we'll use an HTML Tag and two Attributes to change the color and size of the text. Look the codes are given below into the box. We'll actually use the <font> tag with two attributes. <font> is the opening tag and we must use the closing tag </font>. And the text will be inside the <font> and </font> tags. Let's add two attributes size="20px" and color="blue".  The example is given below.

<font size="20px" color="blue">Your Text Here</font>

 Step 06  Save the webpage again
After adding the line given above, finally save the html document again and open that using a web browser.

» Let's create a webpage using all necessary HTML tags
» Read 20+ common questions and answers about HTML

Monday, August 18, 2014

Add image alter tags for best SEO practice

We all the Blogger or Website Designer know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is very important for a blog or website. Because, we all want to reach our Website or Blog at the top of all Search Engines. So, we most often use some tips and tricks to reach our blog or website at the top of all. I think if we write the best content then it will normally reach at the top. However, you may also use some basic tricks to reach your Blog or Website at the top. Image Alter Tag is one of the best tricks for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The webmasters always use Image Alter Tag. You can also use images depending on the Blog's Content so that you can use Image Alter Tag. Image Alter Tag plays a very important role in Search Engines. Lets see how to add Image Alter Tags.

SEO tricks,image alter tags,alter tags

Adding Image Alter Tags by Coding

 Step 01  Introduction with the Codes Structure for an Uploaded Image
When you will upload an image as a blogger blog user then some codes like below will be generated automatically. You will found the codes by clicking on the button HTML.

<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0"  src="" width="320" height="265" /></a>

 Step 02  Add an Image According to the Content
Firstly, you have to add an image to your Blog Post. If you make ready a Contextual Post, then add an image depending on the Article. Place the image wherever you want to show.

 Step 03  Find out the Codes of the Image
Click on HTML and press Ctrl + F, a text input box will open. Now type img into the text input box and press the Enter Key. You will found the set of codes responsible for the image.

 Step 04  Replace the Codes with Image Alter Tag
Now you have to replace the Red Colored Codes with the Image Alter Tag <img alt="KEYWORD,  KEYWORD  KEYWORD  KEYWORD  KEYWORD".

<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" width="320" height="265" /></a>

 Step 05  Use the Keywords Depending on the Article
So the codes will look like the codes given below into the box. Now replace the words "KEYWORD" with the expected Keywords. But never use the same Keyword for more than three times.

<img alt="KEYWORD KEYWORD KEYWORD" src="" width="320"  height="265" /></a>

...::Image Alter Tag::...

Adding Image Alter Tags Manually

 Step 01  Click on the Uploaded Image
Normally click on the uploaded image, a pop up menu will appear. Now click on Properties from the menu, then a pop up window will open like the image given below.
 Step 02  Provide the Image Title into the Text Input Box named title text
There are two text input boxes named title text and alt text. You have to provide a title for the image what will appear after publishing the image when someone will hover the mouse on the image. Title should be according to the article or post.

 Step 03  Provide the Image Alter Text into the Text Input Box named alt text
Now you have to provide some keywords into the Text Input Box named alt text. The keywords should be comma separated as shown on the above image.

20+ Questions and Answers about Computer Programming

Q 01: Write down the abbreviation of ANCI.
Ans: The abbreviation of ANCI is American National Standards Institute.

Q 02: C language id designed by and ... programmers.
Ans: for

Q 03: Who was invented C++?
Ans: C++ wad invented by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Q 04: When C++ was invented?
Ans: C++ was invented in 1979.

Q 05: The first name of C++ was ...
Ans: The first name of C++ was C with Classes.

computer programming,first computer program,programming job

Q 06: When C with Classes was renamed to C++?
Ans: C with Classes was renamed to C++ in 1983.

Q 07: C was developed depending on the programming language ...
Ans: C was developed depending on the programming language B.

Q 08: C++ programming language was standardized in ...
Ans: 1997

Q 09: Java was initially called ...
Ans: Java was initially called Oak.

Q 10: When Oak was renamed to Java?
Ans: Oak was renamed to Java in 1995.

Q 11: What do you mean by JVM?
Ans: JVM is the short form of Java Virtual Machine.

Q 12: What is JIT?
Ans: The abbreviation of JIT is Just In Time and it's a Java Compiler.

Q 13: Is HTML a programming language?
Ans: No, HTML is not a programming language.

Q 14: All computer programs consist of ... elements. They are ...
Ans: All computer programs consist of two elements. They are code and data.

Q 15: What do you mean by JDK?
Ans: The abbreviation of JDK is Java Developer's Kit. That means it's a Java Development Kit for the programmer.

Q 16: Who is the first computer programmer?
Ans: Augusta Ada Byron (Commonly known as Ada Lovelace) is the first computer programmer.

Q 17: On which computer Augusta Ada Byron worked?
Ans: Augusta Ada Byron worked on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

Q 18: Which one is the first programming languages?
Ans: Lambda Calculus is the first programming language.

Q 19: Who is the inventor of Lambda Calculus?
Ans: Alonzo Church invented Lambda Calculus.

Q 20: When Lambda Calculus was invented?
Ans: Lambda Calculus was invented in 1930.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

20+ Questions and Answers about the history of Website Designing

As a website designer or developer we should know them who has sacrificed a lot and invented new services for we all. Tim Berners-Lee invented the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to share content with others. Today the field of website designing is so developed, but Berners-Lee was the first who started it. Let's know some basic questions and their answers about the history of website designing.

Q 01: What is the abbreviation of HTML?
Ans: The abbreviation of HTML is Hypertext Markup Languages.

Q 02: Write down the abbreviation of CSS.
Ans: The abbreviation of CSS is Cascading Style Sheet.

Q 03: The latest version of HTML is...
Ans: The latest version of HTML is HTML5
web designing, job interview, job questions

Q 04: What do you mean by IETF?
Ans: IETF means Internet Engineering Tast Force.

Q 05: The abbreviation of www is...
Ans: The abbreviation of www is World Wide Web.

Q 06: What is the abbreviation of DNS?
Ans: The abbreviation of DNS is Domain Name Server.

Q 07: Write down the full meaning of http
Ans: The full meaning of http is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Q 08: Domain name is a converted form of ...
Ans: Domain name is a converted form of IP Address.

Q 09: What is the abbreviation of SEO?
Ans: The abbreviation of SEO is Search Engine Optimization.

Q 10: Who is the inventor of www?
Ans: Berners-Lee is the inventor of www (World Wide Web).

Q 11: What do you mean by W3C?
Ans: W3C means World Wide Web Consortium.

Q 12: Who is the founder of W3C?
Ans: Berners-Lee is the founder of W3C.

Q 13: What do you mean by NCSA?
Ans: NCSA is the short form of National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

Q 14: What is Mosaic?
Ans: Mosaic is a web browser developed by NCSA.

Q 15: When Mosaic Browser was released?
Ans: Mosaic browser was released in 1993.

Q 16: What is Netscape?
Ans: Netscape is a US. Computer Services Company.

Q 17: The web browser released by Netscape is...
Ans: Netscape's released web browser is Netscape Navigator.

Q 18: Who is the inventor of Netscape?
Ans: Marc Andreessen is the inventor of Netscape.

Q 19: Which one is the first web browser?
Ans: The first web browser is World Wide Web.

Q 20: Who was invented World Wide Web?
Ans: Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of World Wide Web.

Q 21: World Wide Web was later renamed as ....
Ans: World Wide Web was later renamed as Nexus.

Q 22: When World Wide Web was released?
Ans: World Wide Web was released on 25th Dec, 1990.

How to solve the http error changing the DNS server address

Sometimes you may fail to visit a website with .blogspot sub-domain. Generally it happens when you are using the internet service of a phone company like Grameenphone, ROBI, Teletalk etc. Personally I have faced this problem during visiting my own blog Then I configured my Computer's network properties to solve this problem. To configure your network properties, just follow the steps given below.

 Step 01  Disconnect the active connection
First of all you need to disconnect your Active Internet Connection. To disconnect your Internet Connection, you need to go to control panel. There you will found Network Connection icon, double click on this. A new window will open, double click on the active connection. For example: GP-INTERNET for Grameenphone Internet Users. It may be also Banglalink, Qubee, Banglalion etc.
DNS server,http error,server error
 Step 02  Provide the DNS server address as given below
After clicking on the Internet Connection another window will open. Then you need to click on Properties. Now navigate to Networking tab and again click on properties. Now check the box where is written Use the following DNS server addresses. Now provide the address as like as given below ....
Preferred DNS server: or
Alternate DNS server: or

 Step 03  Save the settings and visit all websites
Now save the settings and re-connect your Internet Connection again. Hope you will be now able to visit your all expected websites.