Monday, August 18, 2014

20+ Questions and Answers about Computer Programming

Q 01: Write down the abbreviation of ANCI.
Ans: The abbreviation of ANCI is American National Standards Institute.

Q 02: C language id designed by and ... programmers.
Ans: for

Q 03: Who was invented C++?
Ans: C++ wad invented by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Q 04: When C++ was invented?
Ans: C++ was invented in 1979.

Q 05: The first name of C++ was ...
Ans: The first name of C++ was C with Classes.

computer programming,first computer program,programming job

Q 06: When C with Classes was renamed to C++?
Ans: C with Classes was renamed to C++ in 1983.

Q 07: C was developed depending on the programming language ...
Ans: C was developed depending on the programming language B.

Q 08: C++ programming language was standardized in ...
Ans: 1997

Q 09: Java was initially called ...
Ans: Java was initially called Oak.

Q 10: When Oak was renamed to Java?
Ans: Oak was renamed to Java in 1995.

Q 11: What do you mean by JVM?
Ans: JVM is the short form of Java Virtual Machine.

Q 12: What is JIT?
Ans: The abbreviation of JIT is Just In Time and it's a Java Compiler.

Q 13: Is HTML a programming language?
Ans: No, HTML is not a programming language.

Q 14: All computer programs consist of ... elements. They are ...
Ans: All computer programs consist of two elements. They are code and data.

Q 15: What do you mean by JDK?
Ans: The abbreviation of JDK is Java Developer's Kit. That means it's a Java Development Kit for the programmer.

Q 16: Who is the first computer programmer?
Ans: Augusta Ada Byron (Commonly known as Ada Lovelace) is the first computer programmer.

Q 17: On which computer Augusta Ada Byron worked?
Ans: Augusta Ada Byron worked on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

Q 18: Which one is the first programming languages?
Ans: Lambda Calculus is the first programming language.

Q 19: Who is the inventor of Lambda Calculus?
Ans: Alonzo Church invented Lambda Calculus.

Q 20: When Lambda Calculus was invented?
Ans: Lambda Calculus was invented in 1930.

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