Sunday, August 17, 2014

20+ Questions and Answers about HTML

HTML is a markup language, we use to create webpages. There are lots of tags we have to use to represent our content on the web in different style. For example: we have to use the <b> tag to represent any text as bold.

Let's know the basic questions and their answers about HTML. You may face these questions for a job interview. As a web developer you should know the answers of the questions below. 

Q 01: What is the abbreviation of HTML?
Ans: The abbreviation of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language.

Q 02: What do you mean by HTML?
Ans: HTML is a markup language, that we use to create webpage. HTML is the basic primary level language that is must to create a webpage.

Q 03: Is HTML is a programming language?
Ans: No, HTML is not a programming language.

Q 04: Write down the codes to construct a simple webpage.
Ans: The codes given below will construct a simple webpage...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <h1>This is my first webpage</h1>
  <p>This is a Paragraph</p>
Job Interview,HTML.Webpage Designing

Q 05: Write down the codes to construct a table of two column.
Ans: The codes to construct such a table is given below...

Q 06: Write down the extension of a html file.
Ans: The extension of a html file may be .htm or .html

Q 07: What is the full meaning/abbreviation of W3C?
Ans: The full meaning of W3C is World Wide Web Consortium.

Q 08: The latest version of HTML is...
Ans: The latest version of HTML is HTML5.

Q 09: When HTML5 was released?
Ans: HTML5 was released in 2008.

Q 10: Which tag we have to use for a line break?
Ans: We need to use <br/> tag for line break.

Q 11: How many headings we use in HTML? Write them.
Ans: We use six heading in HTML. They are...
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>

Q 12: Write down the codes to create a link.
Ans: The codes to create a link is given below...
<a href="">The Text</a>

Q 11: Write down the codes to show a mathematical rule on a webpage: (a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2
Ans: The codes to show the rule on a webpage is given below...
(a+b)<sup>2</sup> = a<sup>2</sup>+2ab+b<sup>2</sup>

Q 14: How you will show the following text on a webpage: logaa2=2logaa
Ans: Actually we need to use both Subscript and Superscript tags here to format the text like this. The codes are given below...

Q 15: How we can note something or write a comment into the HTML codes for further understanding about our work?
Ans: We can make a comment using the codes given below.
<!-- Your Comment Here -->

Q 16: What do you mean by the file extension .hta?
Ans: The file extension .hta is used for the HTML Application File.

Q 17: What do you mean by IETF?
Ans: IETF means Internet Engineering Task Force.

Q 18: Who created HTML?
Ans: Berners-Lee created HTML.

Q 19: When HTML became an international standard?
Ans: In 2000 HTML became an international standard.

Q 20: Write down the abbreviation of WHATWG.
Ans: The abbreviation of WHATWG is Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group.

Q 21: What did WHATWG do?
Ans: WHATWG developed HTML5 from 2004 to 2008.

Q 22: When the initial release of HTML was occurred?
Ans: The initial release was occurred in 1993.

Q 23: When the latest release of HTML was happened?
Ans: The latest release of HTML was happened on 4th February, 2014 as the version HTML 5.0

» Let's start a HTML course here...

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